--->Utilities Menu Continued Parsing Authors/Editors In most cases you will want Bookends to arrange the authors/editors names into the form Bookends requires (i.e., surname, first name(s) or initial(s); each name on a separate line). To do this, check the Parse Authors/Editors box.   Then use the pop-up menus to select how the names in the downloaded file are arranged (Surname First or Surname Last), and what punctuation character separates individual names. You can enter a CR (carriage return, or Return) or a space character with the pop-up menu, or type into the box any single character from the keyboard. If the names are already in Bookends format, or if the names are configured in such a way that Bookends cannot parse them properly, uncheck the Parse Authors/Editors box. Parsing Keywords If you want Bookends to place each keyword on a separate line, use the pop-up menu to enter the character that separates each keyword in the downloaded file (you can type in a character if it does not appear in the pop-up menu).   Replace hyphens with spaces Some database services use hyphens in place of spaces in the Authors, Editors, Journal, and/or Keyword fields. To have Bookends replace the hyphens with spaces, check the appropriate box:   Removing unwanted characters You can tell Bookends to remove unwanted printing characters, such as asterisks, from all fields by entering them in this box: + Bookends removes characters, not whole words. If you enter ‘hit’ in this box, Bookends will remove every occurrence of ‘h’, ‘i’, and ‘t’ that it finds in the downloaded file. Non-printing characters (e.g. control characters) are automatically stripped out by Bookends. Parsing the Source Many downloaded files have at least one complex field that holds the “source” information about the reference. This may include such things as the name of the journal, the date of publication, volume and issue number, pages, and more. Bookends allows you to specify how two complex fields, called Source1 and Source2, are to be parsed. Click on the arrow labeled Define Source at the top of the screen, and you will see this screen:   + It is very helpful to view an example text file while you define the Source! If you want Bookends to parse one (or two) complex Source fields, check the Parse Source box. If you want Bookends to ignore Source fields, or simply place the entire Source fields in single categories, such as Journal, uncheck this box. The two Source fields are configured identically. Source tags Fill in the tag for the Source in this (or the Source2) box:   This is exactly the same as you did above for the other fields in the file. Remember, you must enter the entire tag, which ends in a space or a return. If the tag consists of more than one word, enter the last complete word in the tag. Collecting the Source   Bookends will start at the first printing character after the Source tag and proceed through the Source field. By filling in the above items, you can tell Bookends what you want to save and what you want to discard. Use the pop-up menu on the left to select the character that ends a particular section:   (CR = Return character, space = space character, number = any number,not a number = anything but a number, letter = any letter, not a letter = anything but a letter, end = end of Source field). You can also type in any character from the keyboard. + A letter is defined as A-Z, a-z, or the ASCII values 128-159 (extended ASCII characters that have accents, such as é, ü, etc.). Bookends will collect information from the beginning of the Source field up until the character you enter — it will not include that character. If a section ends with a space or CR, when collecting the next section Bookends will ignore this character (and any subsequent spaces or returns) until it finds a visible character. Bookends will also remove any spaces or returns that might appear at the end of a section when it places in information in a category. To tell Bookends what to do with the information, choose a field from the pop-up menu on the right:   The information can be placed in any Bookends category, or it can be discarded (Ignore). Each row starts with the character that the previous one ended with. Note that it is sometimes desirable to Ignore several sections in a row. This is an example Source field, and one way that it might be parsed (note that the asterisks will be removed from the date): SO Appl. Opt. ( ***1993*** ), 32(34), 7032-5   If you didn’t want the issue number [ (34) ] included with the volume, you could define the Source as:   Tip: There may be special conditions in a text file that the user-defined template cannot account for. These can often easily be corrected by performing a Search/Replace on the file in a word processor, and then importing it into Bookends. For example, suppose there are two keyword fields, one for major and one for minor keywords, with the tags MAJOR HEADINGS: Keyword1, keyword2… MINOR HEADINGS: Keyword3, keyword4… Since you must use the second word in the tag (i.e. “HEADINGS:”) as the tag identifier, both will be imported into the Bookends category. If you only want the major headings, you could load the file into a word processor, globally Search/Replace “MINOR HEADINGS:” with, for example, “MINOR KEYWORDS”, and then import the file into Bookends. Only the keywords in the MAJOR HEADINGS: field will be imported. Importing RTF (Styled Text) References References saved as RTF (Rich Text Format) files from another reference management application can be imported into Bookends with text styles (e.g. bold, italics, etc.) and font information preserved. When you import references with the user-defined import function, Bookends checks to see if the file contains RTF text style information. If it does, Bookends will try to preserve as much styled text and font information as it can when the information is imported into a Bookends database. To move references with styled text from another reference management program to Bookends, do the following: 1. Launch the other reference management program and create a format (or style) definition. Make sure that the format includes tags for each field so that Bookends can interpret the information correctly. 2. Save the references in the tagged format/style as RTF. 3. Launch Bookends and create a user-defined import template that can interpret the tagged format/style. You do not have to worry about how RTF encodes styled text—Bookends will do the translation automatically. 4. Import the references into Bookends using the template you have created. When Bookends encounters super- or subscripted RTF text, it will place the Bookends super- or subscript indicator (set in Preferences) before the text, and the same symbol when the super- or subscript is turned off. Note: if there are any spaces in the super- or subscript you will need to edit the imported text, since Bookends will automatically turn off super- or subscripting in a formatted bibliography when a space is encountered. + Bookends will use the default font and font size (set in Preferences) as the default for the text you import, regardless of what the default setting is in the RTF file. If a font is used in the RTF file that does not exist on the Macintosh running Bookends, Bookends will substitute the System font (usually Chicago) for that font. + Intelligent apostrophes ( ‘ and ’ ) will be converted to the standard apostrophe (') when imported. This is done to avoid problems when scanning a document for citations. + RTF styles will be preserved only for references imported with a user-defined import template—references imported with the built-in importers (e.g. Medline/Medlars, etc.) must be standard ASCII (non-styled) text only. Importing references from existing bibliographies It is sometimes possible to import reference information from existing bibliographies by using the Source parser. For example, a bibliography entry might be: 1. Smith, J. D., Jones, S. R., and Fredricks, T. V. 1995. The history of history. J. Hist. Invest. 65: 123-145. The first thing you must do is tell Bookends what "tag" designates a new reference. Entering the number symbol, #, in the References start with field lets Bookends know that each reference in the bibliography begins with a number. Then tell Bookends that Fields end with a return character followed by any character in or before column 1. The rest of the first window in User-Defined Imports should be left blank. The Source Definition window can be reached by clicking on the arrow in the upper right hand corner. You must define the "Source tag":   Enter the number symbol, #, which tells Bookends that the Source begins with a number. In the remaining fields, enter the parsing information for the Source. The entries shown will parse the above example and will read in the authors, date, title, journal, volume, and page range. Note that names are not parsed when they are imported as part of the Source. In the example above, the Authors field would contain: Smith, J. D., Jones, S. R., and Fredricks, T. V. rather than Smith, J. D. Jones, S. R. Fredricks, T. V. If you have an unnumbered bibliography to import, you can easily change it in your word processor by doing a global Find and Replace, Finding Returns and Replacing them with, for example, Return Ref: (that is, [Return character] [space] Ref: [space]) This will put the tag Ref: before each of your references. See your word processor documentation for details of how to Find and Replace the Return character. The “New reference when consecutive tags are identical” button   If the button New reference when consecutive tags are identical is unchecked, Bookends will treat consecutive lines that use the tag that defines a new reference as if the information belongs in the same reference. This is the default behavior, and is necessary when importing from on-line services or CD-ROMs for which every entry in a field is on a separate line with its own tag. For example, you would uncheck this button if you entered that References start with AU and this was a reference to be imported: AU - Smith, AR AU - Jones, LL AU - Jurgenson, S TI - A reference with authors on separate lines. ... If the button New reference when consecutive tags are identical is checked, Bookends will treat consecutive lines that use the tag that defines a new reference as if each designates a new reference. This is useful when doing a "bulk" import of a bibliography in which each reference is imported as a chunk into one field. This is an example of an existing bibliography for which you want to import each entry into the Abstract field. 1. Smith, AR. 1995. This is the title of an article. 12:123-321. 2. Jones, LL and Jurgenson, S, eds. This is the title of a book. Knopf, New York. 1995. You could define a reference as beginning with # (a number), specify that a field ends when a Return is followed by any character in or before column 1. Then indicate that the text goes into the Abstract field. If New reference when consecutive tags are identical is checked, Bookends will place each bibliography entry into a new reference (because the new reference tag, #, forces the creation of a new reference, even though the # tags are consecutive, that is, without an intervening tag of another type). If unchecked, Bookends will place both entries into the Abstract field of the same reference (because the # tag, used in consecutive lines, is taken to indicate information for a single reference). Change Labels… This option provides a way to change the names of the fields:   All fields except Type can be renamed. If you want to set up a database to track movies, you might want to change authors to actors, title to movie, and editors to producers. To make changes, type the new name(s) into the box(es) to the right of the original names. Leave the boxes blank for the fields you don’t want to change. When you’re ready to change the field names in a database, click on the Change button. You will be asked to choose the Bookends database that you want to modify in the dialog box that appears. To return to the references, click on the arrow in the lower-right corner. When you go to a database that you’ve altered using Change Labels, you will find the field names have been changed in the reference window, Search, Sort All References, the Find dialog, and the “typewriter” keyboard in the Bibliography Formatter. For the Formatter, the original one letter designations (e.g., a for author, b for abstract, etc.) are still used to output the corresponding fields, regardless of the new names. These are displayed on the typewriter keys with the new field names for your convenience. + Although you may change the labels, any formatting properties associated with a given field still remain. Therefore, the original Authors and Editors fields should still be used for the entry of names and entered in the same manner, and the Pages field should contain numbers. + You can easily change labels, one at a time, in a database by clicking on its name with the Option and Command keys held down. Authors, Keywords, Editors, Journals List… Selecting the List option displays an alphabetical list of the authors, keywords, editors, or journals in the database. If the List hasn’t been previously built, clicking on this button scans the database and collects all the names in the Authors field. The list is alphabetized, and multiple occurrences of the same name are removed. The Authors and Keywords Lists can contain as many as 150,000 characters each. The Editors and Journal Lists can contain as many as 30,000 characters each. The List is displayed in a window:   At the top of the window, the number of unique items and the total number of items in the database are displayed. You can use this list to: • Find or Search for a specific item or items. • check that the items are entered correctly and consistently. • insert items into a reference being entered. Typing the first letter(s) of an item will quickly scroll the List to that item (or the closest in spelling in the List) and highlight it. Normally, the List is saved between launches of Bookends. However, if you don’t use these Lists you can elect to have them ignored (not saved) when you Quit Bookends. This is an option in Preferences. To highlight an item, simply click on it. To highlight multiple items, hold the Shift key or the Command key down while clicking on then. Noncontiguous lines can be selected in this manner. The buttons perform these functions: Find: Brings up the Find dialog with the currently highlighted author as the word(s) to find. Search: Brings up Search. It is set up to find the currently highlighted words(s). Insert: (or Command - ;) Places the selected words at the end of the appropriate field of the reference currently displayed. Go to Field: Places the cursor at the end of the appropriate field and brings the reference window to the front. Copy: Copies the currently highlighted word(s) to the clipboard. Save: Saves the entire List to a text file on the disk. It asks for the name of a file before saving. Print: Prints the List. Update: Empties the current List, rebuilds it, and displays the updated List in the window. + The first time you select a List, Bookends builds it. If you have chosen Add to Lists automatically in Preferences, the List will be updated as new items are entered. They will not be removed automatically, however, if you delete the item from the field or the reference from the database. In this case, you need to Update the List to remove items no longer in the database. If you have unchecked Add to Lists automatically, you must click on the Update button to rebuild the List to see any items you have entered since the List was last Updated. Selecting a List from the menu with the Shift key held down always rebuilds the List before displaying it. Note that you can now call up any of the Lists, locate the desired items by typing in their first few characters and/or using the up and down arrows, insert items into the appropriate field, and switch to the reference to continue adding items – all without having to take your hands from the keyboard to use the mouse. + You can easily bring up any List by clicking on the List Icon next to the names of the Authors, Editors, Journal, or Keywords field.